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Common Core “Leaders” Get Defeated in Indiana


Encouraging developments in the battle against the Bushes, Gates, Soros, etc,, and their corporate and big-government Common Core education abomination. Michelle Malkin writes at Townhall.com, “Good Riddance: Common Core Backlash Claims New Political Casualties.”

All politics is local. So Republican politicians with national ambitions better pay attention to what grassroots parents are saying and doing about the federal education racket known as Common Core. In bellwether Indiana this week, anti-Common Core activists won a pair of pivotal electoral victories against GOP Gov. Mike Pence.

Pence’s attempt to mollify critics by rebranding and repackaging shoddy Common Core standards is fooling no one.

Tuesday’s Republican primary elections in the Hoosier state resulted in the landslide defeat of two establishment incumbents running for statewide re-election. Pence had endorsed GOP State Rep. Kathy Heuer over challenger Christopher Judy. Pence’s Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann had endorsed GOP State Rep. Rebecca Kubacki over challenger Curt Nisly. The incumbents enjoyed the support of the Common Core-promoting U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Most of these men, like Bill Gates, etc, probably mean well—they sincerely believe they are doing something good (and it just so happens to financially benefit a lot of their friends, whose motives are often not so pure, being clouded by visions of more plundered taxpayer wealth). But at root it expresses a common theme: Disdain for American citizens and parents—a loud and clear shout that they know what is best for us, and that they’re going to see that we get it, whether we like it or not.

There are two significant kinds of leadership:

1 – Authentic leadership patiently educates, and encourages others to freely follow. This leader allows time for ideas to be embraced, providing the foundation for true and lasting change. He or she also shows true respect to those who continue to disagree, and makes it clear that dissenters are a helpful part of the discussion. Change may be slow, but by the time it happens, a general consensus allows things to move forward without severe conflict.

2 – Tyrant leadership is convinced it knows best, and is more than willing to utilize raw power, plundered money, and abusive authority to force people to accept their plan. This kind of leader ensures that those who refuse to go along suffer consequences for their failure to submit. The outcome is a divided culture, with each “side” angling to grasp power so they can “pay back” their opponents’ abuse. The nation lurches back and forth from one divisive internal battle to another, depending on who holds office.

In one sense, the battle is between Plato’s utopian “Philosopher Kings” and the Bible’s and Jesus’ illustration of “servant leadership.”

Most leaders in history have fallen prey to the prideful belief that they–and they only–are the elite “insiders” with the “right stuff” to rule. They see their personal acquisition of wealth and power as evidence that they are worthy.

America’s Founding Fathers were clearly restrained by a very different worldview–one that acknowledged every man’s fallibility and corruptibility, and the need to make sure power was significantly limited and divided, to avoid the carnage they had seen too often in their own lives, and their thorough study of history.

Common Core needs to die, because it is an example of the wrong kind of cultural leadership. Kudos to those in Indiana who have voted out those who supported it, and may they now turn and offer the vanquished a place at the table, as they craft a better way to move forward.

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